Saturday, December 12, 2015

Aggravation...or opportunity?

It happened again. He did something that aggravated you. And on top of it all you're aggravated because what he did to aggravate you shouldn't aggravate you so much, but it does and now you're aggravated at yourself as much as you are him. Sound like a headache? That's because it is.

Come on, I can't be the only one that feels this way when another human being ticks you off over something little. You can't just "get over it" because you're not even sure if you should be upset in the first place. This is what the conversations between me, myself and I sounds like under said situation, "It really isn't a big deal. I don't know why this is upsetting me so. It's not like they committed a crime or something. Geez, why do I get put out so easily?!" Sound familiar? For some of you it does.

Now, side note here. Disclaimer, if you will. Some of you have a personality similar to my sister's. She knows exactly why she's upset. She's upset! She's been wronged and as soon as things are set right she'll be on her merry way! Problem solved. But, my prayer is even if this is more of your bent you'll still be encouraged or more able to understand your spouse/sibling/friend/ect. by this post.

Back to the subject. Before I can talk to my husband about what it is that annoyed me I have to actually admit to myself that I am annoyed. I have to admit that yes, he might have done wrong. Or he might not have. Sometimes we just get annoyed and we’re not really sure why. Right ladies? But this, above everything else is what I have to remember; whatever he did he did not do with the intention of hurting me. I know this if him. I can put faith in that fact because he has told me and he puts action behind those words in our marriage. A lot of times I like to stop there. I’ll think I can move on from that point. Just give grace and act like it never happened. But that doesn’t work. I’ve tried it. Don’t. Just take my word for it when I tell you it doesn’t work and you do it the right way. I have to go to him in humility and saying a prayer before always helps. It puts the right goal in mind; to bring back the intimacy I don’t feel while there’s something between us or I‘m trying to “just get over“ something. Just talking things out with him helps me so much! And you know what, every time without fail we have grown closer in our relationship. So that’s also a great thing to keep in mind. Especially for this little chick who dislikes confrontation. And dislike is an understatement. But like I’ve learned and what I’m sharing with you, communication is so important. Between every relationship, not just marital, it is so important. And every situation, though it isn’t pleasant in the moment, provides opportunity for intimacy. Intimacy in your relationships with others and with our heavenly Father. Till next time! God bless!

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