Monday, December 28, 2015

God Loves Me A Latte

I'm currently enjoying a break from all the crazy wonderfulness (is that even a word?) of Christmas time. And I'm enjoying it on my tiny porch, sitting in our new chairs, sipping a cup of coffee from my favorite local coffee shop. Which was the inspiration for this post! Yay Coffee! I used my gift card I got in a game of Dirty Santa at our Sunday school's Christmas party. I was so excited! I will thoroughly enjoy it. My sweet hubby let me steal it even though there was an Academy's gift card up for grabs. He is a huge sports player/fan/enthusiast. He's a sweetie!

Proverbs 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
If this verse was modernized to today's lingo I think it would say something like, "A word fitly spoken is like two shots of espresso in your favorite cup of coffee." I know my fellow coffee lovers could give me an amen. All the rest of you, just hang in there. You're still going to get something out of this. ;)
This is the reason for my little paraphrase; some days we are just dragging. Spiritually and or physically. Then someone can say something that just turns our whole day around. Our attitude does a complete 180. I know I've been the beneficiary of this so many times. Just like that cup of coffee (or hot chocolate) gives you that shot of energy, God's word spoken or fleshed out through someone can give us a spiritual pick me up. It can be a simple act that says, "I'm thinking of you." It can be a text, a verse shared, a smile from a stranger, an unexpected kindness, some one going out of their way, a song on the radio. There are so many different ways God's love can be shown.
I call these my love letters from God. They are little love letters, reminders, that He is pursuing me always and He loves me deeply. Oh my goodness, they are everywhere! I probably miss way too many. But when we pay attention, let me just tell you, you will be so overwhelmed by His love!

Any-who! I say all that to encourage all of us to be on the lookout for these opportunities. It has become one of my prayers that The Father would open doors, but also give me eyes to see those open doors. We have chances to be His hands and feet as well as His voice to those around us. What an amazing thing that is! To be used by the Creator of the universe. By the One who is Love Itself. So take a minute and think about the times someone has said or done something that ministered to you, (probably without their even knowing it) and let that motivate you to do the same for someone else. One of my spiritual gifts is encouragement so I find this extremely fun! I think you'll find it's addicting.

So smile at that stranger in the grocery store. Talk to the cashier. Text that friend The Lord has laid on your heart. Let someone pull into your lane of traffic. Write your grandmother a letter. Hold your husband's hand. Reach something on the top shelf for that man in the wheelchair. Pray for that girl who looks like she's on the verge of tears. Pay for the next person's lunch. Get creative! I'm sure you have some great ideas yourself. If not, just pray. God has plenty of them.

God bless!

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