Sunday, December 6, 2015

And Here We Go!

Alrighty, here we go! My first blog ever!

I love to write! Somehow it always helps me get my thoughts in line. Whether it's about something I've read from my bible that day, a prayer, or just something the Father laid on my heart.
It is always so sweet when He gives me a chance to use any of that to encourage someone else! I get so excited! Because the bible is exciting! What the Spirit has to tell us, show us and teach us is exciting! Why in the world would keep that to myself?! And this is one of the best parts, "When one teaches, two learn" -Robert Heinlein. I constantly learn something new when I talk with someone about what God is teaching me. That's how the Spirit works. That's fellowship. That's the Spirit teaching through the Spirit. And it is the coolest thing!
If you haven't guessed by now I'll let you in on something; I LOVE encouraging people! It is seriously one of my favorite things to do! It is one of my gifts. It's a huge reason for this blog.
So there you have it. One of the reasons behind starting this blog, one of my favorite things to do, and something I hope to be doing a lot more of!

I hope you've enjoyed this short little blog! Please check back again soon! I hope to be writing a post every week or two. Blessings!

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