Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Why Creating A Vision Board Was A Good Idea

It's something so many others have suggested I do. It's something I've meant to do for a while now. Create a dream board. I have to give multiple things credit for why it's taken me so long. Procrastination, the feeling that it had to be perfect and I didn't have the brain space to plan a perfect dream board, procrastination, the works.

However, I did it! I'm so happy with it and no it isn't perfect. I plan to keep adding to it as new things inspire me and are added to my list of things I want to do. It has pictures on it, words I adore, and  representations of things I love. It is filled with the things I crave more of. Time with family, adventure, experiences, trips, animals, flowers, and more. It's meant to remind me how much I want more of those things.

It's in our bedroom where I can see it often. I've yet to look at it and not smile. But what makes it more than a glorified collage? Don't get me wrong, I love pictures and the memories they hold. I have them hanging all over my house and sitting on every available counter space. But a dream board has more purpose than to displaying pictures. When I put it together it helped me figure out just what I did want. It reminds me of why I work from home, why I need to keep going even when it's hard, and why I do what I do. It is a visual reminder of the goals I have and plan to achieve.

So what's on my vision board? Glad you asked, let's dive in!

Pictures, lots and lots of pictures. There are pictures of me, Nathan, and David at the beach because it's our favorite summer vacation location.

I've got a few of us from Disney world because we LOVE our trips there and want to be able to go more often.

There are pictures of places I've been and want to go back to, but there are also pictures of places we haven't visited. Yet! Places Nathan and I dream of going and experiencing with our kids. I'm telling you, there are some breath taking places on this earth God created.
There are pictures of myself with friends because I crave more time with the amazing sisters The Father has given me.
I've got pictures of my animals on there too. If you know me at all that should make perfect sense (haha). They're the ones I want to come live with us, but we don't have the room for yet. My babies that still live on my parents ranch, but I miss them oh so much. I've also got a few pictures of pets we want to own in the future. I've actually got a lot of animal pictures on there...goals am I right?
I love flowers so of course a few pictures of bright hydrangeas, tulips, and others found their way onto my board. More flowers? Yes please and thank you!
Last, but not least is a picture from one of our picnics. Because they brighten my day and bring back wonderful memories. I've loved them for as long as I can remember. They make me happy so why wouldn't they get their rightful place on my dream board?

I've  got words that I love on there as well. One's like "Family, kids, create, friends" etc. There are words to inspire me like my favorite quotes pinned on there. I found most of them in magazines and cut them out. I just found some more I can't wait to find a place for on my board! That's the beauty of it, you can keep adding to it. As your dreams expand and you discover new things that fill your joy tank add them to your board and be inspired and motivated.

So who should create a vision board? Anyone! Everyone! We all have dreams and goals so why not take some time to figure out what they are and make plans to move in that direction. I work from home and that was my main reason for creating one. Because one day this business will fuel our plans, dreams, and goals. But you can create one to help you get that dream job, learn that new skill, save up for that winter house somewhere warm, get that degree you're dreaming about, earn enough for that mission trip, or whatever your goal is!
Creating a vision board can be as complex or as simple as you desire. It can be a cork board, some pins, and pictures. It could be a poster board, some glue, and magazine cut outs. You could even create a virtual one if that's more your style. Mine is string strung in a picture frame with mini clothes pins holding all the stuff. You choose. It is your vision board after all! Have fun, be motivated, get inspired, and stay on track! 

As always thanks for stopping by! Come back soon!

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