Friday, April 27, 2018

DIY Makeup Wipes

When it comes to washing my face at night I would love to tell you that I wash my face with my favorite facial soap, follow that up with a toner that makes my skin glow, and then finally follow that up with a moisturizer that makes my face dewy fresh. Also there's no trace of makeup left after all that. That's what I would like to tell you. However, I cannot tell you that in all honesty. Most nights I have to convince myself that I really, really need to at the very least wash my face. Sometimes I fail to convince because I also tell myself that it takes too much time, the bed is calling me, and who want's water running down your arms getting your sleeves wet as you blindly search for the towel. Come on, I can't be alone in this. However, I have found the solution! DIY makeup remover wipes! I use these nightly now even if I'm not wearing makeup. It's as easy as taking a wipe out, giving my face a quick wipe off, and then I apply my favorite moisturizer. So quick and easy and my face wonderful! Just in case you and I share face washing woes I'm going to tell you how I made these handy little face wipes. They're really useful in other ways too, not just your nightly routine. For example; put them in your gym bag for a quick face wipe after a work out, pack them when going camping, use it to take off your kiddos face paint.

The 3 essential oils I used are power houses when it comes to skin!
Lavender is great for any skin type, but especially sensitive skin like mine. It is soothing to minor skin irritations as well as reduces bacteria that causes acne.
Melaleuca is anti-bacterial, toning, and moisturizing.
Frankincense is rejuvenating to the skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes. My favorite way to use it though when it comes to skin is scars. I had a mole removed on my face when I was little and it left a decent sized scar. I've tried different things over the years to try and get the size to go down. Nothing has worked like essential oils, especially Frankincense. It keeps getting smaller and smaller along with my acne scars!

Here's what you need to put it all together:
-An airtight container (I use a small jar with a wide mouth)
-Cotton rounds
-2 tablespoons of water
-2 tablespoons of witch hazel
-2 tablespoons of fractionated coconut oil (using this instead of regular coconut oil keeps it from hardening in cooler temps)
-1 drop each of Lavender, Melalueca, and Frankincense.
Combine the liquids and shake to combine. Put as many cotton pads as will fit in the container and let them soak up the liquids. And that's it! They're ready to be used. I found cotton rounds that have a soft side and an exfoliating side. They work great, but you can use whatever is available to you.

Thanks for stopping by my blog guys! If you make them I hope you enjoy using them! I've loved using them!

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