Thursday, February 18, 2016

Our Hidden Idols

We've been talking about the story of Gideon at church lately. Recently I started incorporating it into my reading at home. I love the story of Gideon! I believe I got that (and my love of coffee) from my sweet dad. When I read  through the story of Gideon the other day I decided to back up a little bit and get some of the back story. I started in Judges chapter two and scanned my way to chapter 6 where we find Gideon's story begin.

I'm always struck by how the Israelite people can so quickly forget all the many things God has done for them. They continually spit in His face by putting idols before Him. They are ungrateful so quickly after God rescues them over and over again. You would thing they would learn something from this seemingly unending cycle!
It is at this point I realize how much of a hypocrite I am. That usually follows all the condemning I like to dole out on ole Israel. To quote Romans 2:1 "Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same thing." Ouch. That gives no room for escape.
What idols do I set before Him on my list of importance? How many times a DAY do I forget the mercy He shows me constantly? How often do I cheapen His name by not doing the hard thing by standing up for it?

This really challenged me to dig deep and see the ugly truth. To see what I was putting before Him. What idols I had set up as more important than He. To find out what things I had been putting before Him in my affections. And then, like He always does, He takes me back and showers me with mercy. How wonderful it feels to have Him in His rightful place in my affections, praise, and glory! It sets all things right. It is something we have to continually do. A continuing heart check. Because we are humans. Sinful humans whom our Father shows grace, love, and endless mercy.

It can be any number of things, even good things, that we put before Him. I'm not going to make a list and try and guilt you into discovering the idols in your life. I'll leave that up to our heavenly Father. I simply ask that you ask Him to reveal what they are. Be free from those things that could be holding you down! And live in the freedom of true worship and relationship with our heavenly Father!

A lot of times I want to give myself some slack because "I didn't purposefully make an idol" out of something and intentionally worship it more that God. That fact does not matter what so ever. Not in the least. It is a poor excuse for allowing something to steal away our affections from the One who most deserves them.
The definition of worship is; "Reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred."
The definition of sacred is; "Devoted or dedicated to deity or to some religious purpose; consecrated."
For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."
We have no excuse. We, as children of God, have been given a first hand look at what mercy is. We have been loved beyond what we though possible. We have been forgiven the unforgivable.

So restore that rightful place of worship, honor, glory, sacred, worthy, to the One who deserves it most. And watch as He allows it to overflow into ever facet of your life. Go worship the Father! Go live the life He has designed for you! And remember, He loves you! He deserves your praise and thanks.

God bless!  

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