Thursday, January 21, 2016

Marks of the True Christian

Marks of the True Christian. Sounds like a pretty important title. This one is found in chapter 12 of Romans verses 9 though 21. Verse 15 expounds on a mark of the true christian I've struggled with. Especially as a young christian. Here's what it says; "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep."
I can, by God's Spirit, be sorrowful with my bothers and sisters who are hurting. By His Spirit I can be joyful and rejoice over wonderful things. What I find difficult is doing both at the same time. There are times of great sadness and unmeasurable joy. Often those times overlap one another. I feel as though I'm betraying one when I feel the other. If I'm joyful I'm be disrespectful to those who are in pain, but am I not undermining something wonderful when I'm sorrowful while something if being rejoiced over? But here is this command from the One who knows and sees all, to do both.

It was so hard for me to understand. And I still struggle with this at times. I feel very deeply. The things I hear, see and experience effect me greatly. Even though I struggle to express it vocally. I used to be upset with those around me who could be happy and act like nothing sad had just happened. I felt that things like death, pain, and loss were to be acknowledged more than just momentarily. How could someone even mention things they were happy about? Did they have no respect for those who had suffered? It just didn't seem right.

So this verse and other like it threw me for a loop. I learned this, like everything else is impossible on my own. I can't do it without His Spirit. I can't do it without His help. Then and only then, is it possible. God created our feelings, our soul, our emotions. He created them for His glory! With His strength we can truly, "Weep with those who weep, and rejoice with those who rejoice." There are people around us hurting and as the body of Christ we need to feel their pain. There are also those around us who have things to rejoice over. It is our privilege to be able to come along side them and praise the Lord! We are the body of Christ! We weep together, we rejoice together. We feel each others pain, we celebrate each others joys. What an opportunity! God is merciful and compassionate. He is the great comforter. Through Him we can show compassion and comfort to others. He also is wise and rejoices over His creations! So by Him we are also able to be joyful with those who are rejoicing!

So yes, it is impossible on my own to be able to feel joy and pain at the same time. To be both to my fellow children of God. But through the Holly Spirit in us we can! Our heavenly Father would not tell us to do something He is not willing to give us the strength for. So why not ask Him for the strength to do both when need be. Don't try to do it all on your own. Reach out in love to those who are hurting and be His hands and feet as well as His messenger. Rejoice with those who have reason to do so. Don't drag them down. Rejoice with them! Share the burdens, but also the joy. I want His love to shine through me in both. I pray He will do the same for you. :)

Thanks for checking out my blog! Take a look at my other posts if you'd like! I hope this has encouraged you and motivated you to share His love and compassion even more. Blessings!


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