Wednesday, March 7, 2018

DIY Bubble Gum Sugar Scrub

Nothing says Spring like bright colors. I love them all, from the pastels to the vibrant!
After the winter months my skin always needs a little extra TLC. Removing the dry, dead skin so it can return to glowing. No better way to achieve both than a body scrub. The one I'm going to show you how to make today is a bright pink and blue "Bubble Gum" sugar scrub. It's so easy and quick to make and won't break the bank. This one cost me less than $3!

The things you'll need for this cute and colorful Bubble Gum Body Scrub are:
1 Airtight container
2/3 cup of white sugar
1 TBS of coconut oil
1 drop each of red and blue food coloring
5 drops of doTERRA Grapefruit EO
3 drops of doTERRA Ylang Ylang
1 drop of doTERRA Eucalyptus EO

I love the was this scrub leaves my skin feeling soft and rejuvenated! Plus the essential oil in it each come with their own benefits for your skin like cleansing, anti-inflammatory, calming, soothing, etc. They makes this scrub smell amazing on top of all the benefits to your skin! My favorite way to use it is in the shower on my legs. It makes my shave last longer and leaves my legs silky smooth and moisturized. I don't recommend using this one as a lip scrub because Eucalyptus essential oil is not one you can take internally.

I found this cute little jar in the dollar section at Target. Anyone else love the dollar section? Of course you do! Who doesn't love a steal on something cute?!
I used regular white sugar mainly because its cheap and I won't be eating it. I think the only reason I don't mind having it in my house is for the DIY's haha! I prefer coconut sugar or stevia when it comes to cooking with granulated sugars since they're both healthier alternatives. Anywho...that was a rabbit trail. #randomfactsaboutcali

I'm ok with using just regular ole food coloring, but if you prefer something more natural that will work just as well.

Aren't these colors just yummy? All the heart eyes over here! I love the pink and blue combo, they add so much fun! I know Spring is coming! I just know it! Give me all the Spring colors!

Mix the sugar and coconut oil together in your mixing bowl then add 5 drops of grapefruit EO, 3 drops of Ylang Ylang EO, and 1 drop of Eucalyptus EO. I only suggest using doTERRA essential oils since you'll be putting this on your skin. doTERRA is the only company that certifies their bottles are 100% essential oil and nothing else (like synthetic fragrances, fillers, or other chemicals. Yes you can actually put that in a bottle of essential oil and then sell that bottle).

Once you've done that separate in half. Put the other half in another mixing bowl. Add one drop of blue food coloring to one bowl and one drop red food coloring to the other. mix well then spoon into your container. I like to alternate the two colors so that you get layers. But you do you! It's a DIY so you know, do it yourself haha!   

That's it! You did it! Time to enjoy your Bubble Gum scrub and silky smooth skin. You've got scrubbing power from the sugar to remove dead, dry skin. You've got coconut oil to moisturize. Last but not least you have the 3 essential oils to purify, smooth, and make your skin smell wonderful. Grapefruit is the FREE oil of the month for March for people who are enrolled in doTERRA's Loyalty Rewards Program (which is also free) so if you're interested in getting it or other essential oils let me know! I'm always super excited to help someone else become an essential oil lover (which I promise you will become if you start using them)! 

I had a blast making this (I love DIY's) and I hope you do too! I keep it in my bathroom cabinet so every time I open the cabinet door I see these happy colors and can't help but smile. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by my blog!  

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