Tuesday, June 5, 2018

DIY 3 Ingredient Shave Gel

We all inherit things from our mom. Some great things and some not so great things. Maybe we inherit her hair or eye color. Or perhaps a few mannerisms were handed down to us. I for one got my mom's dark chocolate brown eyes (thanks mom, I love them). I also got the sensitive...skin that I denied that I had for many years. Not acknowledging a problem has yet to help me in any situation. Zero, zilch, none. Had I but faced the fact that I actually do have sensative skin I could have avoided so many confusing skin issues and painful mistakes when it came to what I put on my skin. Poor skin, I'm so sorry. 

Trial and error though. Live and learn right? And I am learning. I make a lot of my own beauty products for this very reason. I make my own face powder, makeup remover, dry shampoo, shaving gel, and other things. If I'm making it I know exactly what's going into it and therefore know what's going on my skin. Which has been a big game changer when it comes to breakouts, irritated skin, and other unpleasantness.

Having essential oils on hand to use it lots of my DIY's has been great! They pack a powerful punch for just pennies. Which is fantastic because finding ways to save money is near and dear to my heart (thanks again mom <3). Some products are great for people like me with sensitive skin, but they usually cost a small fortune. I love making things so why not use that to save some dough and my skin at the same time? I think it's a no-brainer!   

That brings me to the whole reason for this post today; DIY Shave Gel. Because sensitive skin is not restricted to your face. Shaving creams, gels, and other things you shave with are full of chemicals that have caused me problems for years. I thought it was just something I was going to have to deal with. Nope, I decided to find a better solution and that solution was to make my own. This recipe is so simple! I love it! So read on if you or someone you know has sensitive skin and could use some relief in their life. They will thank you, trust me. Or if it's you, your skin will thank you. If you (or your friends) are more of a visual person then you can watch me show you how to make your own in my YouTube video.

Here's what you'll need to make your own moisturizing, razor bump preventing, all around amazing (i threw that in there for fun ;) ) shaving gel.

-A container to store it in (a squeeze bottle works best)
-3/4 cup of unscented Aloe Vera gel
-2 TBS of Olive Oil
-2 drops of doTERRA's Melaleuca essential oil
-2 drops of doTERRA's Lavender essential oil

I used a funnel to add all ingredients to my bottle (which was a re-purposed shower gel container) and then I gave it a good shake. That's it! Super simple, quick, and you get to pinch a few pennies in the process (sorry pennies, it's nothing personal).

This stuff works like a dream and I can attest to how moisturizing it is. Does anyone else hate that uncomfortably tight feeling when your legs are too dry after a shower? I noticed after using this shaving gel for the first that I didn't have to apply my usual lotion rub down on my legs after my shower. They were already moisturized and silky smooth. Bonus! 

If you make this shower gel I hope you love it as much as I do. As always, thanks so much for stopping by! Come back soon!