Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Husband and the Chicken Coop

Whew, it's been a while y'all. Life has been busy lately. And yesterday and last month and last year (I can say that because it's January) and today. Oh, you too? That figures, it seems like the "busy bug" has been making it's rounds.

Anywho, my creative juices have been flowing so I'm taking advantage of it and writing this blog post. Did you miss me?

Right now we're working on my chicken coop. Hooray! It's almost done and if you couldnt tell I'm here to tell you I'm excited! My dad, mom, husband and father in law have all taken the time to help me and I am so appreciative. They have no clue how much this means to me! As we've been working on the pen and other things around the house (we've almost been here 2 months. Eek!) I've noticed something. My precious husband and I do not fit your tipacal husband and wife mold. Shocker, I know.

If you want a tour go watch my Youtube video!!

So what do I mean by that? Well for instance my husband will ask me how to do things from time to time (because he's an amazing and humble human) that he's not quite sure how to do. Things he's fairly certain, because I grew up on a ranch out in the country, I know how to do. Or at least more about it than he does. My husband did not grow up on a ranch or anything close to it. He grew up in a fairly large town (especially for the south) in a subdivision. One with a big back yard I might add. I know how to drive a stick shift, dig a post hole, build a fence, ride a horse and move cattle, milk a goat (my friends owned them), feed chickens (again, friends had them not me), stack hay, hitch and  pull trailer (bumper pull and goose-neck), hook up jumper cables, and other things you need to know how to do if you're going to be helpful around livestock. Which I was. Daily. My parents taught me valuable things I needed to know because of the lifestyle I lived. Many of these things and others are still serving me.

Did I expect or plan to merry someone who grew up in a neighborhood less than 15 minutes from town? Not really no. Is he incapable? I'm going to go with "no" again. He's very capable and good at so many things. He's also a fast learner and very smart. He's quick to ask for my opinion and values my input. That is something that still makes my heart melt. He doesn't have to have all my "country knowledge" to be perfect for me. In fact I'm not so sure I would have liked a man trying to do certain things for me. Don't misunderstand me, I am not of the mindset that "Whatever a man can do I can do". My point is that I enjoy being outside and working with my hands. I like learning and knowing things that aren't your typical girl things. My husband is more than okay with this. He often does things around the house that aren't your typical guy stuff. I'm more than okay with that. If I wasn't I'd be cleaning out the old food in the fridge (gagging all the way), washing the dishes, cooking everyone's breakfast, changing dirty diapers and decorating all by myself. Along with other things that the wife typically does the majority of the time. The other evening Nathan asked, "Do you want me to finish nailing up those boards so you can get something done in the house?" Isn't he wonderful? He knows I get overwhelmed. I replied, "No, I don't want to go in the house. I want to finish this. I like nailing in boards." Poor guy, he tried.

Nathan has never tried to change who I am. He married me for me. He loves me just being me. He is the first person to give me that kind of freedom. Does he know how to do everything? No, I don't know of a soul who does. He knows how to do many things that I don't. Knowing that he is humble enough to ask for my help makes it so easy to ask for his when I need it. And even when I don't. When we were dating he wanted to ride horses together and for me to show him how he could improve. This was just one of many things he showed interest in that was important to me. Lots of people want to warn you that people change after marriage. That they stop trying as hard once they've "got you". And sure, this can easily happen f you let it. Nathan has not stopped. He still shows interest in all my crazy ideas and supports me in my endeavors. Nathan loves basketball. His favorite team was playing last Saturday on a channel we pick up for a change. You know where he was? Not in front of the TV. He, his dad, and me were working on my chicken coop. He doesn't even like chickens y'all. But he sure loves me! That I know without a doubt.

There are lots of points to this story. Take your pick. The main one though is you do not have to fit the "typical" in your marriage rolls. We certainly don't. We are not perfect and I'm getting better at not pretending to be. We are learning what God's plan is for OUR marriage, OUR life, and OUR family. One day at a time. Blessings friends!