Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Not My Kind Of Love

What if God’s love is not like our love. What if He loves in a way we often don’t understand. How do we know He loves us? There sure are a lot of bad and ugly things happening in this world. Where is God’s love?

1 John 4:9,10 “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 

Could you do that? Could you send someone you loved more than anything to be a sacrifice for not just the people who would love and serve you, but also for those who hated you and would laugh at your pain in loosing this precious one you loved? And could you turn your back on them in their pain and suffering to show your love for everyone else? No sir, not me. No way. In fact the thought makes my blood boil and tears come to my eyes. I could not and would not do it.

God did. The Creator of the universe loved you, me, and everyone else who’s ever lived or ever will live enough to do that for us. That is how He loves. That’s His love. He is the God of love. Over and over again the bible tells us of a steadfast love of God, one that never ceases. A love that we can’t be separated from by suffering, anxiety, sorrow, pain, persecution, or weapon.

So what about humanly love? What does our love look like? We’d never let our loved ones hurt if we could prevent it would we? Of course not! That’s crazy. If I love someone I want them to always be happy and never have to hurt. When someone loves me they want the same for me because they would never hurt me themselves. If you’re nice to me I love you. If you’ve had a hard day and you’re short tempered with me my love might go down one notch, but I still love you. I might not like you very much, but I can love you. If you don’t talk to me anymore except for when you need me to do something for you because you got yourself in a mess, well my love is going to keep going down a notch each time. We all know you’ll promise to spend more time with me and at first you might, but you’ll slack off again until you’re in trouble. I might run out of notches to go down and then your out of luck. I’m not feeling the love anymore. Or maybe you claim to love me, but when someone starts to make fun of me you don’t stand up for me. You just stay quite and let them drag my name through the dirt. When you need something though you’re back at my doorstep. Or what about when I ask you to do something for me out of your love for me and instead of doing it you lie to me in the form of an excuse.
Human love is conditional. We can deny it all we want to, but it’s the truth. Can we love unconditionally? Yes we can, but not with our own humanly love. Only through the love of God can we love unconditionally. We do all of this to God and yet He loves us still. That is not conditional.
I fail Him, I don’t stand up for Him, I don’t talk to Him, I don’t spend time with Him, I lie to Him, I come crawling back only when I need Him, and I do it all over and over and over again. We all do. We love with a humanly love.
His love is not conditional though remember? He still loves me! Even when I do all the things that would lose my love if they were done to me. Unconditional, steadfast, merciful, love. The love of The Father.

So do you really want God to just love the way we do? I don’t always understand His love especially when I see horrible things happening to people I KNOW He loves. It’s above understanding. His love is not like ours and it doesn’t work like ours. I know that’s hard to comprehend. However, I do know that He loves us and I have faith in that. I do know that one day I wont see anyone suffering or hurting. One day I will not have to worry about failing Him. One day I’ll never have to come crawling back because I’ll never leave Him. One day I’ll be in heaven and I’ll live forever with my Savior and King. Oh hallelujah what a day! That day is close and it’s coming fast. I’m so ready, come Lord Jesus come!              

Blessings, Cali