Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Mom's Contribution

I’ve never felt comfortable with the mommy cliché “My contribution to the kingdom of God is to raise the next generation of Christians.” It never set right with me, but I wasn’t quite sure why. I thought that maybe once I was a mom myself I would suddenly grasp the meaning of the saying and similar phrases. Yet now that I am a mom I find myself disliking it even more. I had to ask myself, “Would that be my only purpose as a follower of Christ who is also mother?” It still didn’t line up with what I knew a life of following Christ should look like. I hate to say it, but it sounds like a cop out. Just this thought hurts my heart, but what if one or all of my kids do not become Christians? If my sole purpose was to raise Christians then I would have failed.  Do not misunderstand me please, I have the highest respect for mothers. Especially now that I’ve seen first hand what it takes to be one. I know that it is by no means an easy job. It’s hard at times, tiring and often stressful. So let me get to the heart of what I’m trying to convey.

I’m a mom and I have the opportunity to witness to people on an almost daily basis. I go to the grocery store, I have a Facebook account, I get the oil changed in my car, I go to the post office, I go to the gas station, I eat at restaurants from time to time. We all have opportunities, whether we choose to take advantage of them or not is our decision. Not just the opportunity to share the gospel with others, but also to encourage fellow Christians. That’s something we’re all called to do as God’s children.
2 Timothy 4:2     Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.
Encouraging people is one of my favorite things to do! The Father has put a love in me for encouraging young women, wives, and young moms. God has also placed me in a position as a youth pastor’s wife to also minister to young people and I am loving it! There are plenty of opportunities out there no matter what your stage in life is right now. With all the technology we have now days we have absolutely no excuse. We can all make a difference in this world right where God has us. In this season. All of us are probably pretty darn busy, some more than others. Maybe there isn’t an opportunity staring you in the face like your deadlines are. So go and fine one then! They are out there, I guarantee it. Whether you’re a mom or not this applies to you, because if you are a child of God you have a job to do. You have a faith to act on. You have a mission. So start today and get out there. This world needs Jesus.
